Join us in taking a quick pause from zooming through 2024 to look back at our accomplishments and results from 2023. Below we’re covering the top three reasons we’re on cloud nine moving into 2024 and you can check out our full 2023 Annual Report for the full details.
#1: More Residents Biking, Walking, Taking Transit, and Teleworking
Did you know your community has to reduce vehicle trips by 50% every year? That’s why The Point at Dunn Loring Connect is focused on making sure you know all your available transportation options.
We’re thrilled to announce The Point at Dunn Loring achieved the lowest rates of vehicle trips in the property’s history last year (a 76% reduction), which means more people are getting around by biking, walking, taking transit, carpooling, and teleworking and there’s less traffic on our roads.
#2: Nearly 200 Residents Surveyed
Each year, the property conducts a survey to understand how we can better support residents and encourage more people to use sustainable modes of transportation. Our 2023 survey received more than 180 responses. You can find those results in the Annual Report below.
#3: New Ways to Engage
In 2023, we gave out annual Capital Bikeshare passes, 30-day Capital Bikeshare memberships, pre-loaded SmarTrip cards, and countless other incentives to help residents try a new commute. Plus, we launched a new Instagram page and converted our Facebook group to a Facebook page to better engage with residents. Give @thepointatdunnloringconnect a follow on either platform to stay up-to-date
More To Come
These accomplishments are a result of actions taken by you – thank you for being part of our property’s success! In 2024, we’re looking forward to bringing even more access to transportation options and information your way. Take a look at the 2023 Annual Report for all the details on where we’ve been and what to expect from The Point at Dunn Loring Connect.