The Point at Dunn Loring is Recognized as a Best Site for Commuters  

Did you know The Point at Dunn Loring has been named a Best Site for Commuters again in 2022? The Best Sites for Commuters award recognizes sites like The Point at Dunn Loring that provide outstanding commuter benefits, such as the Point at Dunn Loring Connect program and strives to positively impact how people travel to the site.    

The Point at Dunn Loring is among a select group of workplace sites that have achieved the standard of excellence. Why did The Point at Dunn Loring win?

  • The Point at Dunn Loring Connect acts as the site’s transportation and commute assistance program   
  • Employers Who Offer Hybrid and Telework for their Employees  
  • Preferred Parking for Carpoolers, Electric Vehicles, and Low Emission Vehicles and including charging stations for electric vehicles  
  • Secure bike parking 
  • On-site Capital Bikeshare station   

 And more! Find out how The Point at Dunn Loring Connect can help you get to work on our website. Be sure to reach out at for any assistance regarding your commuter questions.